May 15, 2008

Iranian Dependance?

Oil prices shot to a new record near $127 a barrel Tuesday on concerns that Iran may consider cutting crude oil production”.

I’m not sure what is worse. The American people paying on average $3.73 a gallon for gasoline or the fact that this recent upsurge in gas driven energy cost is due in large part to the whimsical antics of Iran.

According to the New York Mercantile Exchange, crude oil set to ship in June increased to a record high, reaching as much as $126.98 a barrel, before eventually settling late Tuesday afternoon to an abysmal $125.80. On average, this recent increase in regular gasoline, amounted to only a 1.4 cent increase according to a recent AAA and Oil Price Information Service recent report.

While a 1.4 cent increase may not from the onset appear to be all that daunting, some analysts have suggested that with Memorial Day just around the corner, the worst is yet to come. Which leaves many, like myself, concerned about not only the financial ramifications often associated with increased energy demand, but also, how will those already consumed by a slumping economy and the dwindling dollar stay psychologically firm when confronted by the paralyzing grasp of every day necessity?

With gas quickly approaching $4 a gallon in some parts of the country, many like myself are growing deeply concerned about the what the future will hold, given the fact that its successful longevity has already be auctioned off to the the highest bidder....Iran!

While some energy pundits like James Cordier, president of Liberty Trading Group and, expressed rampant attention to the prospects of an Iranian “reduction” in oil production, Cordier, in recognizing the current state of Iranian economic hardship suggests that even the most minimal of reductions would greatly impact Iran’s economic dependence to the “petrodollar”.

So lets see if I've got this right. Currently the world's lone super power, the United States of America, is experiencing both a drastic increase financially and psychologically, all because some codependent – petrodollar – seeking nation-state, Iran, has allegedly embarked on the future prospects of reducing the only source of legitimate capital flooding into that inhospitable terrorist safe haven. Am I really to believe that my country, along with its many gas dependant technologies, has fallen hostage to those in position of a single earthly compound? Have we truly reached a point in our nations history, whereby the need to satisfy our graving for the pump, has superseded our foreign policy outlook of not exchanging with or growing dependant on, those of whom threaten our country, way of life, and tangible existence?

The time has come to reject this gas based savagery! No longer should the people of the United States be subjected to the demands of an unstable country lead by an even more dysfunctional dictator. If America and her global stance on terrorism and diplomatic relations is ever to be taken seriously as an international democratic trend setter, we need to begin to exhibit a more profound willingness to rid ourselves from ruthless tyrants and totalitarian regimes, even if that comes at the expense of economic dilapidation and incremental stagnation!

In other less startling news, the United States Senate voted on Tuesday 97-1 in favor of impeding the daily shipment of 70,000 barrels of oil to the Unites States strategic petroleum reserve. While this recent attack by the legislature has been viewed by the Bush Administration as nothing more than political pandering, some legislatures apparently believe that in reducing America’s tactical energy objectives, they will serve to assist in alleviating American consumer pressure at the pump. As if to suggest that the only way of altering American dependence on foreign oil is to simply legislatively reduce the amount of emergency fuel storage our country should be allowed to have.


Steph said...

Amen. I really need to get rid of my Jeep ASAP. Thanks for the post. Love you.

Anonymous said...

Here is a question - Since the United States Senate (backed by the pinko environmentalists) will not allow allow America to reduce its dependence on foreign oil, namely that of Iraq and Venezuela, forcing us to purchase oil from these countries that support terrorism, does that mean that the US Senate and pinko enviros are forcing us to, through paying at the pump, directly fund terrorism? I believe it does!

Thank you, Senators!

Thank you for selling our country to terrorists!

Thank you for allowing your greed (by accepting money from the environmentalists) to sell this country into debt to Anti-American terrorists!

Thank you for taking food out of our childrens' mouths (via higher gas prices because you won't allow us to drill in the US and get rid of dependence on foreign oil) so that we can continue to directly fund terrorism from the pump!

Thank you, you self serving sons of bitches!

Thank you for causing food shortages by 1. Reducing national food storage for time of famine and chrisis and 2. Diverting corn to produce ethenol, even though it isn't a very good source of ethenol production. Take Ethenol and shove it where the sun doesn't shine!