April 30, 2008

Multilateral Brainstorming – UN Style!!

Well at least we can visually begin to acknowledge where more than 300 billion dollars a year of our hard earned - well allocated funds are being sent to disappear. Doesn’t anybody else find it odd or perhaps even a bit disturbing to know that every year the United States of America willingly funds and assists this hideous conglomerate to the tune of $8,219,178.08 a day? Yes that’s right, and if that number didn’t do the trick take a quick gander at the most recent US State Department figures through the 2003-2004 fiscal calendar year.

$362 million for the UN regular budget
$400 million to assist with UN “specialized agencies”
$1.1 billion (yes b as in boy) for “peacekeeping”
$72 million in support of international war tribunals
And nearly $6 million for “preparatory work relating to the UN Capital Master Plan”

All of which amounts to the United States serving as the single largest donor of ill-adviced, largely unsuccessful, attempts of an intercontinental ferver. After all the US is solely responsible for:

48% of the UN's World Food Program Budget
17% of the UN's Children's Fund Budget
31% of the UN's High Commissioner for Refugees Budget

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I sure feel much better having now seen, with my own two-eyes, this well articulated and highly informative list of universally funded mandates. All of which mind you, have been discussed and agreed upon by an un-elected deeply un-democratic delegation, whose sole purpose has now dwindled from that of universal gatekeeper and protectorate to nothing more than global procrastinator and/or corruption filled enabler.


Anonymous said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again - The U.S. needs to pull out of the UN, withdraw all of our funding, and start charging rent on the land and building. Kofi Annan should be in jail. Our economy is failing and we can not continue to fund "world projects"!!!

Steph said...

Very disturbing...