February 20, 2008

Sorry Hillary, but the Fat Lady is Singing!!

In reviewing a series of politically inclined websites today, I stumbled upon this hilarious yet well stated perspective of the evolutionary demise of Senator Clinton and her floundering Presidential campaign. Enjoy!!

"The cheeseheads have spoken. And the message they delivered in the Democratic primary in Wisconsin was loud and unequivocal. There are fancier (or gentler) ways of interpreting it, but what the hearty souls who braved the subfreezing temperatures to cast their votes from Milwaukee to Menomonie announced was this: Virginia and Maryland weren’t anomalies; Barack Obama has the Big Mo; and Hillary Clinton is close to being forced from the stage by another lady — the fat one who likes to sing."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I remember, Bill liked his women a little on the meaty side...