February 28, 2008

The Power of One!!

E Pluribus Unum – Out of Many, One

I ask….has there ever been another phrase that so eloquently described the overall will and fortitude of America and each one of her collective inhabitants? While such a question might be next to impossible to answer, given the countless moments of unprecedented brilliance this country has endured, the relevancy and overall impact of such simplistic slogans has and will continue to to have an impact on the true spirit of endearing American statesmanship and patronage.

Established under the banner of declared 1776 independence, E Pluribus Unum, was first instilled as a means of collectivizing the combined efforts of thirteen independent colonies, each seeking freedom from the perceived obligatory forces of the British Kingdom. While it would be completely outlandish to excuse the effects rigid devotion, patriotic fervor, and a keen sense of opportunistic self-determination played in the finalization of America’s recognized existence, E Pluribus Unum, and its call for broad individual unification, not only helped secure victory in 1783, but also assisted in ushering in a new establishment of ideals, the likes of which would soon prove adventages.

This new “mindset” with its emphasis on individual recognition and empowerment, not only helped to forever alter status quo politics, but ultimately assisted in the shaping of a revolutionary system of governance, whereby individuals not hierarchically imposed units would maintain the autonomy of true political prestige. However, this system when fully employed would prove effective where others had not, for it demonstrated the ability to capitalize inventively, on the combined efforts of citizen sustained political power, and that of institutionalized democratic republicanism. And thus the combining agents of E Pluribus Unum were internally forged.

Ever since its profound inception, the effects of E Pluribus Unum has been on display all throughout America’s cherished history. Thomas Jefferson in recognizing its euphoric power implemented several references to the strength “out of many, one” could have when he wrote in the Declaration of Independence,

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation”.

Jefferson went on to further explain his belief in this grounding principle when he further stated,

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness”.

In a similar albeit more binding fashion, the United States Constitution, with all its meticulous intricacies, espouses similar calls for properly derived authority when it declares,

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America”.

While both examples presented share a historical undertone, the underlying factor of timelessness as it relates to E Pluribus Unum still firmly exists. Although nearly 232 years have passed since its initial emersion into the waters of American political baptism, the ability “one” can have when united in cause and purpose is still riveting. Perhaps it was this precise method of thought that lead Norman Cousins to assert that, “In a democracy, the individual enjoys not only the ultimate power but carries the ultimate responsibility”.

"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. - John F. Kennedy

February 21, 2008

What About Bin Laden?

Doesn’t anybody else find it odd or a bit naïve when they read published reports from the Defense Department suggesting the successful destruction of one or our own spy-satellites? Not that we should be amazed at the skill and crafted marksmanship of our countries brave Navy gunners. But that we are able to through adequate use of today’s specialized technology, locate a bus sized satellite approximately 247 kilometers or 133 nautical miles above the earth’s surface, not to mention the minuscule 10 second window of opportunity those gunners had to lock and unload on a target traveling at speeds in excess of 17,000 MPH. FYI, just in case you were wondering, that’s 88 football fields a second.

But what I find really interesting isn’t America’s military strength or technological superiority, but rather its inability thus far to utilize those strengths and other alternative means to hunt down and ultimately obliterate our most hated villain, Osama Bin Laden! After all, could it really be that hard to locate and eradicate one man, when compared to an orbital mass of deteriorating technocratic steel?

Perhaps so....but in the mean time, I think to play it safe and to expand upon our current stance and devotion to global terrorist extermination, we should start looking for ways to capitalize upon the talents of America's most proficient marksman. And do so in a way that suits not only the interests of decrepit Cold War intruments of investigation, but rather looks to decrease its arch rivals overall chances of even limited success.

To employ this tactic to the fullest extent, might I suggest we begin a series of well thought-out highly sophisticated militery bombing raids along the border of north-west Pakistan and south-east Afghanistan, with the mind- set of heading "dead" west till we forever demolish Tehran!!

February 19, 2008

Yes.....This is Earth Calling for Senator Clinton!!

In a night where even Hillary Clinton was considered to be an honest political threat, voters from all spheres of the deranged and now fragmenting Democratic platform, demonstrated once again their unyielding preference in favor of the anti-establishments contender. Although defeat has proven lately to be nothing new for the Clinton brigade, one thing has proven to be of note. Her inability and clear contempt for the political reality that is sure to come.

A prophetic account of this mindset was yet again revealed in her most recent analogue, in which she offered fellow Clintonites and other hardened loyalists this resounding declaration of desperate yet unrelenting hope.

“ Both Senator Obama and I would make history, But only one of us is ready on day one to be commander in chief, ready to manage our economy, and ready to defeat the Republicans. Only one of us has spent 35 years being a doer, a fighter and a champion for those who need a voice." - Hillary Clinton

A “defeating of the Republicans”!! Doesn’t this strike anybody else as being odd, outlandish, or even fabricated? Especially when one considers the source of such antics!! I think it might be safe to declare such presumptuous ploys when you’re the candidate of good grace, but not if you’ve just recently lost nine (Louisiana, Nebraska, Maine, D.C., Maryland, Virginia, Hawaii, Wisconsin and Washington) consecutive primaries/caucuses to your party’s chosen son.

Look, I can only imagine the amount of time, energy, and money that goes into generating a cross-country campaign, but at some point in time you would think even the “Clinton Machine” would need to refresh itself. Only then perhaps, in a series of self-reflection and humbling thought, might the Clinton camp begin to realize that the source of all their current political woes has less to do with Bill, and more to do with Hillary’s laced rhetoric of misguided optimism!!

February 15, 2008

Obamania, The Source of Political Myth!!

And now, in the most amazing trick of all, a silver-tongued freshman senator has found a way to sell hope. To get it, you need only give him your vote. Barack Obama is getting millions”.

Thank goodness for Charles Krauthammer!! In his recent article Obama Casts His Spell, Krauthammer, exposes the myth that has come to clearly define most if not all of Barack Obama’s less than pragmatic Democratic crusade. Touching upon the many qualified opinions of James Wolcott, Jake Tapper, and Joel Stein, Mr. Krauthammer accurately diagnoses the false aura of political supremacy that Obama and his pundits have looked to achieve. In conforming to the notion of tireless regurgitation, the Obama craze, and all of those swooned by its promptings, have found themselves victimized by such phrases as, “We are the hope of the future, We can remake this world as it should be” or better yet my personal favorite “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for”.

Note to Obama, we are still hoping for a future, what in the hell does the world have to do with our success, and who said any of us were waiting on you for anything?

I know many, especially those contending all things “right” have without thought or conscienceness, looked upon an Obama nomination and/or Presidency as a way to willfully sell their political independence and soul. But many, like myself, have instead come to view this type of blind devotion as a way of degrading not only one’s personal political capabilities demonstrated through personal intellect and basic understanding of election driven phrase, but also that of individual prudence, as it relates to the manifestation of one’s right to vote.

It was this exact type of outlook, exhibited by so many around the country that caused ABC’s Jake Tapper to note the many “Helter-Skelter cultish qualities” of “Obama worshippers”.

Although the presence of Obama’s impeccable demeanor and method of speech is sure to lead many more into the camp of hope, one thing is for sure, senator Obama and his stimulating tactics will not lead ultimately to political incorporation. But rather to the place were all good fabricated stories go to regroup and ultimately die…..the left flank of the Democratic Party!!

February 14, 2008

The Inevitable Romney Endorsment!!

Today officially marks the beginning of the “new” Republican establishment. Although my initial pledge was to that of Governor Romney, I now turn my political leanings to that of the overall party and its new inevitable leader. While a Romney endorsement does go a long way in easing my political hostility towards a McCain candidacy, I still fear the ramifications, both long and short term of his now impending nomination.

With Romney and his delegates, now firmly placed within the confines of a mounting McCain endorsement directory, let us not be too quick to rest nor forget the true source(s) of disdain for the Arizona Senator and his legislative mishandling of so many crucial aspects regarding America, and her right to perpetual glory.

For now he (McCain) is the best of what remains from a fragmented and once reliable conservative platform. While there still remains a very real contentious force standing in opposition to his reign, this harsh reality still exists. A McCain nomination as erroneous as that sounds, is sure to be a much better option for conservatives of all types, when contrasted against either Democratic victor.

Sure, a McCain candidacy is far removed from any conservative utopia, but then again who needs such a thing when you’re backed by so many” prominent” enforcers of true conservative values: (Schwarzenegger, Giuliani, Crist, and now Romney).

Perhaps those throughout the country were right in assuming Romney’s approach to politics was nothing more than spirited grand-standing enforced by unequivocal flip-flops. Or perhaps they were most accurate when it came down to dissecting Romney the candidate from Romney the man. For I believe had Mr. Romney held true and firm to his original principles, based upon devotion to ideals enfused by real world practicality, the 2008 Presidential election might have been one of real choice and not forceful electoral digression!!

February 12, 2008

A Call for Anything but Change!!

As I sat and observed yet another one of Senator Barack Obama’s signature orations filled with among many things a lack of all things tangible, I couldn’t help but think of how is message of “hope” built upon “change” with an eye to the “future” was filled with nothing more than graceful deception backed by uninformative passion. Yes, the junior Senator from Illinois is a brilliant speaker, but what will become of him and his grandiose rhetoric when delicate words must actually lead to substantive action?

As we have witnessed throughout Americas shared political history, individuals of all creeds, when confronted with the daunting task of personal political inclusion, have had a tendency to favor those whose “politics” and/or “verbal” dogma, is perceived as being less threatening and more opportunistic. While the art of political salesmanship can not be denied, one thing is certain, this country in being lead by its next Commander in Chief is indeed in need of substantive and rather somber “change”. And substantive “change” as we all know is not simply brought about by the vocalizing tactics of mystifying Executors through the channels of passionate vocal deliverance, but rather through a system of already entrenched and recognizable precepts, that when called upon by its harbinger, exhibit sound fundamental action.

It is this call and demand for action at the expense of passionate vernacular that has lead me to stray even further away from an Obama candidacy. Not only do I question his ability to bring about future levels of “change”, but I also fear what this relatively unknown figure with minuscule experience at the federal level might look to “change” if granted the ability to do so.

Until Americans of all political affiliation begin to enforce the need for experienced action over heightened audio permeation, our political future will continue to be dominated and ultimately lead by advocates of anything but relative substance. And that my friends is the key component of Obamian politics.

A McCain - Rice Ticket?

In an effort to appeal beyond the ideals of both Moderates and Independents, a McCain nomination must ensure for the good of the party and that of his impending nomination, the selection of a staunch southern conservative advocate for the Vice Presidency. In doing so, not only would a McCain candidacy extend the hand of “conservative” friendship to those non-aligned pundits, but also look to further increase the type of expansive support any Republican ticket is sure to need.

Recently a colleague and fellow blogger suggested I take on the challenge of explaining “What are the chances of, and what would the result be, of a McCain/Rice ticket”? Below is my own perspective and subsequent stance on such a possibility.

Initially the thought of a McCain/Rice ticket posed numerous thoughts and possibilities. Would Senator McCain, a long time advocate and spokesman for America's global defense, seriously consider one of President Bush's senior officials? Would Condoleezza Rice, herself an African-American female, be used to help offset the certain racial or gender driven political assaults a McCain campaign is certain to encounter? Or would the sheer presence of Miss Rice serve only to further assist Senator McCain's ultimate claim to Presidential authenticity – love of country, devotion to her safety, elevated patriotism, and the sheer will to effectively demonstrate all three.

While it still may be too premature to tell, one thing is certain, a McCain candidacy all ready engulfed by hesitant conventional outcry, can ill-afford further political set backs. Therefore, as it looks to legitimize its political course, it should look towards the role of Vice Presidential appointee as a way to reassure cautious conservatives, expand upon like minded independence, soothe over moderates, and solidify "right" sided democrats.
Thus, it becomes imperative that as the next few days or weeks unfold, Senator McCain should look to call upon only those plausible contenders, whom have already exhibited the capacity, when called upon, to fully indulge in the skilled political crafts of honored unity, statesmanship, and above all devotion to ones country.

A McCain ticket without such a nominee, will in my opinion not only fail to achieve the type of broad based support one needs to ascend to the White House, but will also lend additional momentum towards an already enthused Democratic Party.

A Rice Rejection:

While it may be questioned by many on the left, Secretary Rice has performed and performed more than adequately, when one considers the many intricate facets the international community has been forced to encounter throughout her tenure. Although many have come to view her stewardship and consequential handling of these and other matters as a farce, there are those like myself who’ve grown to appreciate her and her grasp of such matters, especially when it comes to her convictions against radical Islam and those who practice its unconventional tactics. Even though these and other sources of experience more than qualify her as a justifiable Vice Presidential candidate, it is my belief they could also, if used misguidedly by the left, serve to damage not only her candidacy, but that of her Republican cohort. Thus making a McCain-Rice ticket as un-practical as another jack-ass smoking a cigar in the Oval Office!!

Also it is my belief that if McCain were to extend the offer of Vice Presidency to Secretary Rice, her reputation and admiration with respect to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, would focus to much attention on the lone issue of national defense, a position McCain is already well known for. This idea of a cloned policy point of view, I fear, would serve to allow the Democratic Party and its chosen nominee, the ability to narrowly define the vast Republican platform into nothing more than a party of national security and defense. This reduction of political diversity could also serve to advance even further levels of disenfranchisement within the broader electorate, not to mention the ramifications that could be experienced by those whom over the years have looked to cast ballets based upon cultural, social, and economic values, not just security concerns.

While Condoleezza Rice has gained my support for her role in American foreign policy over the years, my pledge to her as McCain's prospective Vice President isn't quite as sustainable. Although her merits warrant such a calling, I am of the belief that a McCain-Rice ticket wouldn't accurately appeal to voters of a much larger plinth. Thus, I would strongly encourage Senator McCain to target and promote someone who much like Secretary Rice, personifies the knowledge and background to justify such a calling, all the while demonstrating the capabilities needed to bridge the gaps a McCain - ? ticket is sure to encounter.

February 11, 2008

To Vote or Not to Vote.......Is there A Question?

With many Americans looking to demonstrate their "lack" of overall desire in relation to the act of voting, one must ask the question. Do Americans truly believe that their single vote within the confines of the American Democratic process is useless and ill-advised, or have they simple come to see voting or not voting as the strongest way of demonstrating their distaste of American two-party politics and with it a lack of legitimate leadership and "representation"? Or are you like most Americans in that you have come to view the American style of democracy as a game in which only those possessing excess levels of monetary value and political connection are able to stake a claim in the actual process of participatory politics?

Regardless of how you answer the above stated questions, remember that the sovereign power of this country was founded upon the belief in individuals to act and re-act for themselves in matters concerning the direction and fortitude of this great country. And it is by believing in ourselves that we as individuals and more importantly Americans can and should penetrate the status quo mentality, and look to instill true change and collective desire!! Just imagine what this country and its vision could be if individuals were more concerned with the act of participating and not forgetting. This system (Democratic Republic) is more a reflection of what we as citizens and individual members of this system are willing to tolerate and promote, making it an arrangement not of aristocrats or tyrants, but one that represents the voluntary acceptance level of all red-blooded Americans. If CHANGE is truly the preferred antidote, we then need to demand that a change take place first within ourselves……and for many of us that change can be manifest in educating ourselves about candidates and other potential representatives with the hopes of heading to the voting booths to cast off our sovereign political power instead of withholding that power due to feelings of disbelief and despair.

To vote or not to vote….that is “your” question!!